Builterra Newsletter Email Header_July2022

Newsletter: 07/2022

Have you ever read or heard about stunningly successful projects? Chances are, project management software was a key ingredient in their recipe for success. As it turns out, 77% of all high performing projects use some form of project management software! Fortunately, if you're reading this newsletters, you are using Builterra to manage all your construction projects and tasks!

Builterra Newsletter Email Header

Newsletter: 06/2022

Recent studies and surveys clearly show that resource planning in project management is becoming more and more important – even at the top levels. And all appropriate roles must be involved. Find out how Builterra can help!

Builterra Newsletter Email Header_May2022

Newsletter: 05/2022

Currently, just under 1 in 4 organizations use any kind of project management software. The rest are working with Excel, paper, or a patchwork of tools with sub-optimal integration. As a result, 54% of organizations lack the ability to track KPIs in real-time. What is a KPI? Read on to find out!

Builterra Newsletter Email Header_April2022

Newsletter: 04/2022

According to a survey conducted by the Project Management Institute, almost 10% of every dollar spent on a project is wasted due to poor budgeting and project performance. In other words, if $1 billion is invested, almost $99 million is wasted! That's a lot of wasted money, wouldn't you agree?

Builterra Newsletter Email Header_March

Newsletter: 03/2022

Did you know that the very first roads were merely tracks made on the ground by wild animals? People used these animal trails because they provided an easy and quick way to get through forests. In time, people began to improve these trails by filling the ruts with earth and laying logs across wet spots. These were the crude beginnings of road construction. Click to discover!

Builterra Newsletter Email Header_Feb

Newsletter: 02/2022

Did you know that a one-way trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway involves crossing 3,901 bridges? At Builterra, we love bridges! Read on to find out more...

January_Builterra Newsletter Email Header

Newsletter: 01/2022

Happy New Year! In this installment, we share new improvements and updates, while highlighting previously implemented client requests, which were not included in December's issue of our user newsletter.


Newsletter: 12/2021

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

We are back with another installment of our newsletter; keeping you in the loop on everything Builterra for the month of December. In this installment, we bring you great new updates and some of our previously implemented client requests, which we did not include in November's issue of our user newsletter. We are also including a FAQ section, which we hope you find helpful.


Newsletter: 11/2021

We continue in our commitment to keeping the Builterra app and platform up-to-date and in line with the most recent technologies. We are determined to see our clients succeed in their workplace by using Builterra and thus we continue working hard in improving Builterra's efficiency and maintaining superior frontline support.


Builterra Mobile App



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